qetpy.plotting package

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_psd(noise, lgcoverlay=True, lgcsave=False, savepath=None)

Function to plot the noise spectrum referenced to the TES line in units of Amperes/sqrt(Hz).

noise : Object

Noise object to be plotted

lgcoverlay : boolean, optional

If True, psd’s for all channels are overlayed in a single plot, If False, each psd for each channel is plotted in a seperate subplot

lgcsave : boolean, optional

If True, the figure is saved in the user provided directory

savepath : str, optional

Absolute path for the figure to be saved

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_reim_psd(noise, lgcsave=False, savepath=None)

Function to plot the real vs imaginary noise spectrum referenced to the TES line in units of Amperes/sqrt(Hz). This is done to check for thermal muon tails making it passed the quality cuts

noise : Object

Noise object to be plotted

lgcsave : boolean, optional

If True, the figure is saved in the user provided directory

savepath : str, optional

Absolute path for the figure to be saved

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_corrcoeff(noise, lgcsmooth=True, nwindow=7, lgcsave=False, savepath=None)

Function to plot the cross channel correlation coefficients. Since there are typically few traces, the correlations are often noisy. a savgol_filter is used to smooth out some of the noise

noise : Object

noise object to be plotted

lgcsmooth : boolean, optional

If True, a savgol_filter will be used when plotting.

nwindow : int, optional

the number of bins used for the window in the savgol_filter

lgcsave : boolean, optional

If True, the figure is saved in the user provided directory

savepath : str, optional

Absolute path for the figure to be saved

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_csd(noise, whichcsd=['01'], lgcreal=True, lgcsave=False, savepath=None)

Function to plot the cross channel noise spectrum referenced to the TES line in units of Amperes^2/Hz

noise : Object

Noise object to be plotted

whichcsd : list, optional

a list of strings, where each element of the list refers to the pair of indices of the desired csd plot

lgcreal : boolean, optional

If True, the Re(csd) is plotted. If False, the Im(csd) is plotted

lgcsave : boolean, optional

If True, the figure is saved in the user provided directory

savepath : str, optional

Absolute path for the figure to be saved

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_decorrelatednoise(noise, lgcoverlay=False, lgcdata=True, lgcuncorrnoise=True, lgccorrelated=False, lgcsum=False, lgcsave=False, savepath=None)

Function to plot the de-correlated noise spectrum referenced to the TES line in units of Amperes/sqrt(Hz) from fitted parameters calculated calculate_deCorrelated_noise

noise : Object

Noise object to be plotted

lgcoverlay : boolean, optional

If True, de-correlated for all channels are overlayed in a single plot, If False, the noise for each channel is plotted in a seperate subplot

lgcdata : boolean, optional

Only applies when lgcoverlay = False. If True, the csd data is plotted

lgcuncorrnoise : boolean, optional

Only applies when lgcoverlay = False. If True, the de-correlated noise is plotted

lgccorrelated : boolean, optional

Only applies when lgcoverlay = False. If True, the correlated component of the fitted noise is plotted

lgcsum : boolean, optional

Only applies when lgcoverlay = False. If True, the sum of the fitted de-correlated noise and and correlated noise is plotted

lgcsave : boolean, optional

If True, the figure is saved in the user provided directory

savepath : str, optional

Absolute path for the figure to be saved

qetpy.plotting._plotting.compare_noise(arr, channels, lgcdecorrelatednoise=False, lgcsave=False, savepath=None)

Function to plot multiple psd’s from different noise objects on the same figure. Each channel will be plotted in its own figure.

arr : array_like

Array of noise objects

channels : list

List of strings, each string is a channel to plot. ex [‘PSA1’,’PAS2’]

lgcdecorrelatednoise : boolean, optional

If False, the psd is for each channel is plotted. If True, the calculated de-correlated noise is plotted

lgcsave : boolean , optional

If True, the figure is saved in the user provided directory

savepath : str, optional

Absolute path for the figure to be saved

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_noise_sim(f, psd, noise_sim, istype, figsize=(12, 8), lgcsave=False, savepath='')

Plots psd with simulated noise model

f : array_like

Frequency bins for psd

psd : array_like

Power spectral density

istype : str

Must be ‘current’ or ‘power’ If ‘current’ the noise is plotted referenced to TES current If ‘power’ the noise is plotted referenced to TES power

figsize : tuple, optional

Desired size of figure

lgcsave : boolean, optional

If True, plot is saved

savepath : str, optional

Directory to save trace

fig : Object

fig object from matplotlib.pyplot

ax : Object

ax object from matplotlib.pyplot

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_full_trace(didv, poles='all', plotpriors=True, lgcsave=False, savepath='', savename='')

Function to plot the entire trace in time domain

didv : class

The DIDV class object that the data is stored in

poles : int, string, array_like, optional

The pole fits that we want to plot. If set to “all”, then plots all of the fits. Can also be set to just one of the fits. Can be set as an array of different fits, e.g. [1, 2]

plotpriors : boolean, optional

Boolean value on whether or not the priors fit should be plotted.

lgcsave : boolean, optional

Boolean value on whether or not the figure should be saved

savepath : string, optional

Where the figure should be saved. Saved in the current directory by default.

savename : string, optional

A string to append to the end of the file name if saving. Empty string by default.

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_single_period_of_trace(didv, poles='all', plotpriors=True, lgcsave=False, savepath='', savename='')

Function to plot a single period of the trace in time domain

didv : class

The DIDV class object that the data is stored in

poles : int, string, array_like, optional

The pole fits that we want to plot. If set to “all”, then plots all of the fits. Can also be set to just one of the fits. Can be set as an array of different fits, e.g. [1, 2]

plotpriors : boolean, optional

Boolean value on whether or not the priors fit should be plotted.

lgcsave : boolean, optional

Boolean value on whether or not the figure should be saved

savepath : string, optional

Where the figure should be saved. Saved in the current directory by default.

savename : string, optional

A string to append to the end of the file name if saving. Empty string by default.

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_zoomed_in_trace(didv, poles='all', zoomfactor=0.1, plotpriors=True, lgcsave=False, savepath='', savename='')

Function to plot a zoomed in portion of the trace in time domain. This plot zooms in on the overshoot of the didv.

didv : class

The DIDV class object that the data is stored in

poles : int, string, array_like, optional

The pole fits that we want to plot. If set to “all”, then plots all of the fits. Can also be set to just one of the fits. Can be set as an array of different fits, e.g. [1, 2]

zoomfactor : float, optional, optional

Number between zero and 1 to show different amounts of the zoomed in trace.

plotpriors : boolean, optional

Boolean value on whether or not the priors fit should be plotted.

lgcsave : boolean, optional

Boolean value on whether or not the figure should be saved

savepath : string, optional

Where the figure should be saved. Saved in the current directory by default.

savename : string, optional

A string to append to the end of the file name if saving. Empty string by default.

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_didv_flipped(didv, poles='all', plotpriors=True, lgcsave=False, savepath='', savename='')

Function to plot the flipped trace in time domain. This function should be used to test if there are nonlinearities in the didv

didv : class

The DIDV class object that the data is stored in

poles : int, string, array_like, optional

The pole fits that we want to plot. If set to “all”, then plots all of the fits. Can also be set to just one of the fits. Can be set as an array of different fits, e.g. [1, 2]

plotpriors : boolean, optional

Boolean value on whether or not the priors fit should be plotted.

lgcsave : boolean, optional

Boolean value on whether or not the figure should be saved

savepath : string, optional

Where the figure should be saved. Saved in the current directory by default.

savename : string, optional

A string to append to the end of the file name if saving. Empty string by default.

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_re_im_didv(didv, poles='all', plotpriors=True, lgcsave=False, savepath='', savename='')

Function to plot the real and imaginary parts of the didv in frequency space. Currently creates two different plots.

didv : class

The DIDV class object that the data is stored in

poles : int, string, array_like, optional

The pole fits that we want to plot. If set to “all”, then plots all of the fits. Can also be set to just one of the fits. Can be set as an array of different fits, e.g. [1, 2]

plotpriors : boolean, optional

Boolean value on whether or not the priors fit should be plotted.

lgcsave : boolean, optional

Boolean value on whether or not the figure should be saved

savepath : string, optional

Where the figure should be saved. Saved in the current directory by default.

savename : string, optional

A string to append to the end of the file name if saving. Empty string by default.

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_iv(IVobject, temps='all', chans='all', showfit=True, lgcsave=False, savepath='', savename='')

Function to plot the IV curves for the data in an IV object.

IVobject : class

The IV class object that the data is stored in.

temps : string, array_like, int, optional

Which bath temperatures to plot. Setting to “all” plots all of them. Can also set to a subset of bath temperatures, or just one

chans : string, array_like, int, optional

Which bath temperatures to plot. Setting to “all” plots all of them. Can also set to a subset of bath temperatures, or just one

showfit : boolean, optional

Boolean flag to also plot the linear fit to the normal data

lgcsave : boolean, optional

Boolean flag to save the plot

savepath : string, optional

Path to save the plot to, saves it to the current directory by default

savename : string, optional

Name to append to the plot file name, if saving

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_rv(IVobject, temps='all', chans='all', lgcsave=False, savepath='', savename='')

Function to plot the resistance curves for the data in an IV object.

IVobject : class

The IV class object that the data is stored in.

temps : string, array_like, int, optional

Which bath temperatures to plot. Setting to “all” plots all of them. Can also set to a subset of bath temperatures, or just one

chans : string, array_like, int, optional

Which bath temperatures to plot. Setting to “all” plots all of them. Can also set to a subset of bath temperatures, or just one

lgcsave : boolean, optional

Boolean flag to save the plot

savepath : string, optional

Path to save the plot to, saves it to the current directory by default

savename : string, optional

Name to append to the plot file name, if saving

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_pv(IVobject, temps='all', chans='all', lgcsave=False, savepath='', savename='')

Function to plot the power curves for the data in an IV object.

IVobject : class

The IV class object that the data is stored in.

temps : string, array_like, int, optional

Which bath temperatures to plot. Setting to “all” plots all of them. Can also set to a subset of bath temperatures, or just one

chans : string, array_like, int, optional

Which bath temperatures to plot. Setting to “all” plots all of them. Can also set to a subset of bath temperatures, or just one

lgcsave : boolean, optional

Boolean flag to save the plot

savepath : string, optional

Path to save the plot to, saves it to the current directory by default

savename : string, optional

Name to append to the plot file name, if saving

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plot_all_curves(IVobject, temps='all', chans='all', showfit=True, lgcsave=False, savepath='', savename='')

Function to plot the IV, resistance, and power curves for the data in an IV object.

IVobject : class

The IV class object that the data is stored in.

temps : string, array_like, int, optional

Which bath temperatures to plot. Setting to “all” plots all of them. Can also set to a subset of bath temperatures, or just one

chans : string, array_like, int, optional

Which bath temperatures to plot. Setting to “all” plots all of them. Can also set to a subset of bath temperatures, or just one

showfit : boolean, optional

Boolean flag to also plot the linear fit to the normal data

lgcsave : boolean, optional

Boolean flag to save the plot

savepath : string, optional

Path to save the plot to, saves it to the current directory by default

savename : string, optional

Name to append to the plot file name, if saving

qetpy.plotting._plotting.plotnonlin(OFnonlinOBJ, pulse, params, errors)

Diagnostic plotting of non-linear pulse fitting

OFnonlinOBJ: OFnonlin object

The OFnonlin fit object to be plotted

pulse: ndarray

The raw trace to be fit

params: tuple

Tuple containing best fit paramters