qetpy.utils package

qetpy.utils._utils.calc_offset(x, fs=1.0, sgfreq=100.0, is_didv=False)

Calculates the DC offset of time series trace.

x : ndarray

Array to calculate offsets of.

fs : float, optional

Sample rate of the data being taken, assumed to be in units of Hz.

sgfreq : float, optional

The frequency of signal generator (if is_didv is True. If False, then this is ignored).

is_didv : bool, optional

If False, average of full trace is returned. If True, then the average of n Periods is returned (where n is the max number of full periods present in a trace).

offset : ndarray

Array of offsets with same shape as input x minus the last dimension

std : ndarray

Array of std with same shape as offset

qetpy.utils._utils.lowpassfilter(traces, cut_off_freq=100000, fs=625000.0, order=1)

Applies a low pass filter to the inputted time series traces

traces : ndarray

An array of shape (# traces, # bins per trace).

cut_off_freq : float, int, optional

The cut off 3dB frequency for the low pass filter, defaults to 100kHz.

fs : float, int, optional

Digitization rate of data, defaults to 625e3 Hz.

order : int, optional

The order of the low pass filter, defaults to 1.

filt_traces : ndarray

Array of low pass filtered traces with the same shape as inputted traces.

qetpy.utils._utils.align_traces(traces, lgcjustshifts=False, n_cut=5000, cut_off_freq=5000.0, fs=625000.0)

Function to align dIdV traces if each trace does not trigger at the same point. Uses a convolution of the traces to find the time offset.

traces : ndarray

Array of shape (# traces, # bins per trace).

lgcjustshifts : boolean, optional

If False, the aligned traces and the phase shifts are returned. If True, just the phase shifts are returned. Default is False.

n_cut : int, optional

The number of bins to use to do the convolution. Just need enough information to see the periodic signal. Default is 5000.

cut_off_freq : float or int, optional

3dB cut off frequency for filter. Default is 5000 Hz.

fs : float or int, optional

Sample rate of data in Hz. Default is 625e3 Hz.

shifts : ndarray

Array of phase shifts for each trace in units of bins.

masked_aligned : masked ndarray, optional

Array of time shift corrected traces, same shape as input traces. The masked array masks the np.NaN values in the time shifted traces so that normal numpy functions will ignore the nan’s in computations.

qetpy.utils._utils.get_offset_from_muon(avemuon, qetbias, rn, rload, rsh=0.005, nbaseline=6000, lgcfullrtn=True)

Function to calculate the offset in the measured TES current using an average muon.

avemuon : array

An average of ‘good’ muons in time domain, referenced to TES current

qetbias : float

Applied QET bias current

rn : float

Normal resistance of the TES

rload : float

Load resistance of TES circuit (rp + rsh)

rsh : float, optional

Value of the shunt resistor for the TES circuit

nbaseline : int, optional

The number of bins to use to calculate the baseline, i.e. [0:nbaseline]

lgcfullrtn : bool, optional

If True, the offset, r0, i0, and bias power is returned, If False, just the offset is returned

ioffset : float

The offset in the measured TES current

r0 : float

The resistance of the TES

i0 : float

The quiescent current through the TES

p0 : float

The quiescent bias power of the TES

qetpy.utils._utils.powertrace_simple(trace, ioffset, qetbias, rload, rsh)

Function to convert time series trace from units of TES current to units of power.

The function takes into account the second order depenace on current, but assumes the infinite irwin loop gain approximation.

trace : array

Time series trace, referenced to TES current

ioffset : float

The offset in the measured TES current

qetbias : float

Applied QET bias current

rload : float

Load resistance of TES circuit (rp + rsh)

rsh : float, optional

Value of the shunt resistor for the TES circuit

trace_p : array

Time series trace, in units of power referenced to the TES

qetpy.utils._utils.integrate_powertrace_simple(trace, time, nbasepre, nbasepost, ioffset, qetbias, rload, rsh)

Function to calculate the energy collected by the TESs by integrating the power in the TES as a function of time.

trace : array

Time series trace, referenced to TES current

time : array

Array of time values corresponding to the trace array

nbasepre : int

The bin number corresponding to the pre-pulse baseline, i.e. [0:nbasepre]

nbasepost : int

The bin number corresponding to the post-pulse baseline, i.e. [nbasepost:-1]

ioffset : float

The offset in the measured TES current

qetbias : float

Applied QET bias current

rload : float

Load resistance of TES circuit (rp + rsh)

rsh : float, optional

Value of the shunt resistor for the TES circuit

integrated_energy : float

The energy absorbed by the TES in units of eV

qetpy.utils._utils.stdcomplex(x, axis=0)

Function to return complex standard deviation (individually computed for real and imaginary components) for an array of complex values.

x : ndarray

An array of complex values from which we want the complex standard deviation.

axis : int, optional

Which axis to take the standard deviation of (should be used if the dimension of the array is greater than 1)

std_complex : ndarray

The complex standard deviation of the inputted array, along the specified axis.

qetpy.utils._utils.slope(x, y, removemeans=True)

Computes the maximum likelihood slope of a set of x and y points.

x : array_like

Array of real-valued independent variables.

y : array_like

Array of real-valued dependent variables.

removemeans : boolean

Boolean flag for if the mean of x should be subtracted. This should be set to True if x has not already had its mean subtracted. Set to False if the mean has been subtracted. Default is True.

slope : float

Maximum likelihood slope estimate, calculated as sum((x-<x>)(y-<y>))/sum((x-<x>)**2)


Simple helper function to remove negative and zero values from PSD’s and replace them with interpolated values.

arr: ndarray

Array of values to replace neagive values on

arr: ndarray

Modified input array with the negative and zero values replace by interpelate values