Table of Contents

    Example Code for using the IV class

    Import the need packages to run the test script

    In [1]:
    import numpy as np
    from qetpy import IV

    Let’s load the example data. To see how this data was created, look at the run_31_chips_iv.ipynb file, which loads the data from Pickle files. This data was created from Run 31 at SLAC, using TES chips. There is no guarantee that that notebook will run.

    In [2]:
    testdata = np.load("test_iv_data.npz")
    dites = testdata["dites"]
    dites_err = testdata["dites_err"]
    vb = testdata["vb"]
    vb_err = testdata["vb_err"]
    rload = testdata["rload"]
    rload_err = testdata["rload_err"]

    Now let’s use the IV class and calculate the IV curves

    In [3]:
    ivdata = IV(dites, dites_err, vb, vb_err, rload, rload_err, ["A","B","C"])

    Let’s take a look at the plotting. We can plot all of the curves together.

    In [4]:

    If you want to plot certain channels or certain bath temperatures, use the chans and temps flags.

    In [5]:
    ivdata.plot_all_curves(temps=[0,7], chans=1)

    We can also plot the IV, resistance, and power curves separately. See the documentation for more information on the plotting options.

    In [6]:
    ivdata.plot_iv(temps=0, chans=0, showfit=False);
    ivdata.plot_rv(temps=[0,-1], chans=[0,1]);
    ivdata.plot_pv(temps="all", chans=2);
    In [ ]: